Hillsboro FFA
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Points System
Activity  Points Possible
Attendance at Ag Booster Meeting 25 points per meeting
Extravaganza Ticket Sales (7 each) 50 points per ticket
Volunteer at Extravaganza (set up, clean up, work event) 50 points per volunteer
Door Prize Donations for Extravaganza 2 points per dollar in value of item ($5 gift card = 10 points)
Volunteer at Ag Boosters sponsored events (banquet, holiday meal, etc.)        10 points per item
Other activities (board approval needed) amount determined by board
The above is a list of possible ways to acquire points for your participation in the Hillsboro Ag Boosters.  The goal for each member is to 
earn as many points as possible, which will assist in determining how much financial contribution your child may be awarded during Hill County Fair based on sale and current market value.

Minimum Points Required for Financial Contribution:

One child - 375 points
Two children - 500 points
Three or more children - 700 points


 Website designed by: Wieghat Graphics